Back to school: Our top 5 tips for a smooth start

Back to school season is typically anxiety provoking and exciting all at once, but this year it has yet again been taken to another level of stressful. I know we are all frustrated with where we are from a COVID standpoint no matter what side you fall on. But regardless of all of that we have little ones who are excited to be joining their classmates again! First day of school is a big deal for our kiddos! Here are our 5 top tips to make it through this week with a gold star!

  1. Set expectations: Talk to your kiddos about what to expect on day one. Who will be in their class? What is their teacher’s name? What is the schedule for the first day? Will there be snack or lunch? Recess? Talk about the fun stuff!

  2. Reinstitute a schedule and routine at home. This includes a morning and bedtime routine. Waking up earlier and going to bed earlier.

  3. Create an evening to-do list: This is a great way to reduce morning stress.

    • Prepare lunch

    • Pack backpack-masks(if needed), hand sanitizer, water bottle

    • Lay out outfits

    • Set the alarm clock

    • Talk about what is for breakfast

  4. Schedule in family time: Make sure children know when they will family time again with you. Set aside time in the evenings so your children feel supported. Sitting down to dinner at the table together allows children to share about their day.

  5. Remind them that you love them and that you are in this together. Lots of love, hugs and listening is what our little ones need most!

Good luck HCK family! We are cheering you on! 

Drop a comment below to share how you feel about back-to-school!!

As always tag and share for your mama friends who could use the support! 


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