Hand and foot and mouth (and arms and legs and diaper rash) disease, oh my!!

Hand foot and mouth disease is one of the worst childhood viruses to manage as a parent. It is painful, causes an awful rash and lingers way too long.

So what is it? It is a highly contagious virus. It is spread through saliva, respiratory droplets, stool or direct contact with blisters. It typically starts with fever, sore throat, runny nose. You may even notice increased drooling in infants or decreased appetite. Rash usually begins to show up 1-2 days later. 

Rash appears like small red dots that become fluid filled blisters and ultimately dry out and scab over. The blisters typically show up on the hands, feet and around the mouth, but depending on the person can be all over and even cause a terrible diaper rash. 

Most common among young children and babies. Typically you build up immunity to the disease after being exposed to the viruses that cause it. It can affect adults but is generally rare in people over the age of 10. 

What can you do?

  1. Treatment is typically supportive. Tylenol or ibuprofen for fever or pain. Benadryl can help with itching. Do not pop ay blisters! And honestly less is more when is comes to the rash. 

  2. Wash hands frequently and try to keep rash covered to avoid spread. 

  3. Avoid citrus fruits/drinks, spicy or salty foods. Encourage popsicles, ice cream, smoothies and soft foods. 

Symptoms typically take 7-10 days to resolve. 

Potential complications include dehydration, fingernail/toenail loss, and very rarely viral meningitis or encephalitis. 

For any concerns schedule a telemedicine visit with your House Calls for Kids provider today. Or seek medical attention immediately for concerns for dehydration, lethargy, or altered mental status. 


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